Archery Reseach


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Re: Archery Reseach

Deerhead---the first versions of the AR's had a few problems---cracked risers, limbs slipping out of pockets, and the camo finish coming off. They have these problems fixed now. I had one of the first versions and ended up having to send it back to AR t his year----a BRAND new AR showed up at the shop for my replacement.

A very smooth shooting bow, very little vibration, very forgiving---very fun to shoot. I do believe all the problems have been solved. They are made by PSE--you might check out the PSE forums--a lot of posts on the AR bows.


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Re: Archery Reseach

i shot Todds AR in Oklahoma and it was very quiet and felt very smooth.. if i didnt shoot a Hoyt i would switch to AR , thats how much i liked it.. plus i have shot a few more in our shop and they shot very well..

to bad our shop doesnt sell them , i feel they will be a bow that will gain in popularity after they get some exposure at 3Ds ....

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