My neighbor!!


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Many of you dont know but i recently moved. had been in my old house for 10 years and the wife and I wanted a little more room. So we bought a house on 1.2 acres still in the same city just 2 min. from my old house. Plenty of room to shoot my bow. Anyway thats why I havnt been on here much, with setting up the new house and all. Well anyway I just finaly met my neighbor across the street. I saw he had a treestand in his yard so i thought i would get to know him. I looked out yesteday and he was shooting his bow, what better time to go meet my new neighbor. So I walked over there and intuduced myself to a great guy. I thought i was into hunting until my first meeting with my new neighbor. This guy says hey i want to show you my shed. so i walk into a his "shed" and its like a mini bass proshops!!!

This guys got three fully mounted deer, several HUGE deer shoulder mounts a bow work bench, buffallo, some african animals. and all kinds of hunting clothes . Then he says let me show you my other mounts inside if this guy didnt have over 100 mounts of all kinds i wouldnt have believed it. I was SHOCKED!! and blown away then he invites me to hunt his lease and go hunting with him what kind of luck is that!!! i found a new idol!! I will see if he will let me take some pics!! laugh.gif

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Re: My neighbor!!


Well "GOLLY....SHAZAM...SHAZAM !!!" (in my best Gomer Pile impression grin.gif). It sure beats moving in beside an anti-hunter...EH!! grin.gif

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i was hiding some easter eggs for my daughter this am and he came by in his truck and asked me to bring over my mount when it comes in he want to see. Hes a scorer for b and c. I will ask what he thinks "not that my buck is a record at all but just for fun" he asked if i was watching the outdoor channel this am and asked about jim shokey and the moose hunt with his dad i said jim is CRAZY! he just feet from a moose. we laughed. i will get some pics for sure. i cant wait laugh.gif

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Guest MrsRandy

Re: My neighbor!!

Wow! Sounds like your wife won't see you much wink.gifgrin.gif Glad you found a great neighbor to hang out with! smile.gif Hope Randy doesn't see this post... he might be getting some ideas about moving grin.gifgrin.gifsmirk.gif

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Re: My neighbor!!

That is great news, sounds like you made a friend out of this deer and he sounds like a very successful hunter. Awesome for you. My neighbors are nice but not into things like I am, hunting or even golfing. They are great guys just not into hunting. Seems like you moved into a great neighborhood and got a shooting buddy.

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Re: My neighbor!!


Sounds like an awesome neighbor! Wish I had one like that.

Make sure you tell him about and invite him to join RT forums. cool.gif

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I will for sure let him know about the best site on the net and see if you like to get in on the forum with us. My head should be here tonight from maryland and i cant wait to show him. he leaves for texas tomm. for a hunt laugh.gif

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