A personal thought


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While I was turkey hunting this weekend and admiring some birds just out of range mad.gif, I had to sit back and just soak it all in and think to myself isn't God great. He gave us the great outdoors to enjoy and yet so many people in this world are to busy with other things to just sit back and take it in. God has given us the greatest show on earth and it is completely commercial free with no re-runs. I stand in awe everyday at his majesty portrayed in nature, from turkeys, to sunsets, to clouds, to the stars. you can see his face everywhere you look if you really want to, yet most people are too stressed, upset, worried, angry, or whatever the case may be, to even take a glance. I think if everyone took one moment out of their day to admire God's handy work the world would be a better place. Just a thought of mine.

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Guest bowhunter56

Re: A personal thought

You are right, not enough stop and smell the roses,,it's amazing what we have all around us, and don't appreciate or even see it. I do believe those of us that appreciate and spend alot of time in the outdoors, appreciate what we have.

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Re: A personal thought

You reminded me of a scripture


Romans 1:20 - For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

I'll tell ya, if it wasn't for all those quiet times in the woods, just to sit and enjoy everything around me, from the earth itself, to the sky above, and everything in between, I don't know where I'd be right now.

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Guest Andrea

Re: A personal thought

I feel that way every time I go fishing. There's nothing like laying back in my boat under the trees while fishing. Just looking up at the "new" green on the trees, the warm air blowing and the sound of the river going by. Absolute heaven. smile.gif

I wonder if God will let us hunt and fish in Heaven?? grin.gif

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You guys are so right....God is not only good, he is great !!!

It so reminds me of a bowhunt a few years back......I was in my stand 50 yards off of the Missouri river, about 2 hours before day break....

As the light slowly started to peak, and hazy shadows could be made out, I could hear raccoons splashing in the water as they fished in the shallows of the river....then you could hear the geese starting to awake as they honked at the rapidly approaching morning......

It was now fully light out, but the sun hadn't quite risen to view....birds were singing and chirping in the trees around me, and the geese were still honking their chorus.......then i saw a doe sliiping through the trees in my direction.........and a couple of smaller bucks in tow.

They jumped down the river bank to drink, when "he" showed up......not the biggest deer, but a beautifully wide racked 9-point buck.......as he made his way down to the river, the other three were heading back into the trees.....RIGHT underneath me !!!!

I had convinced myself that i was gonna let that 9-point live to see another year.........that was, until he followed the others path right under my stand......see, I kinda had made a deal with God that morning, I was willing to take the shot if he presented me with one....with bow in hand and that buck standing quartering away at a mere 10 yards was more than I could stand........God had laid this buck at my feet....who was I to argue....

I simply remember this........as i drew that bow back, all sounds were silenced......I heard no geese....no raccoons....no chirping or even leaves rustling.......I simply put my 20 yard pin on the crease behind his shoulder.......

When I released that arrow, and I saw it find it's mark, I can remember all the sounds of that morning came flooding back.....it was like time had stood still while I was at full draw........I will never forget that morning.....for it was a gift from God.

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