Wild edibles


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And I'm not talking fish and meat either. I'm talking like plants. For instance Wild Onions or Leeks can be eaten ,raw or cooked, but are best when they are very young, just popping out of the ground. Once they get mature with their big green leaves, they are alot stronger tasting. We like to put the young shoots in a pan with butter, yum. Well not yum right now because I had some Friday and that's when my flu started so theysound kinda yucky to me,lol smirk.gif

Anyone else have some tasty edible plant tidbits to share?

I know there's alot out there...I have some books with wild edible plants in it and what you can use them for.

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Guest Andrea

Re: Wild edibles

Nectar from honeysuckles has a very light, sweet taste to it. But you'd have to pull the the stems off about 500 of them to get a teaspoon. was fun to do as a kid. I'd rather pick them to smell them anyway.

Favorite "wild" things to eat are blueberries, blackberries and strawberries.

Oh yeah, when we were little we also used to pick what we called "Indian weed" and chew on it. Has a tangy flavor to it. But you don't eat it.

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Re: Wild edibles

Yeah takes a lot of honeysuckles to enjoy the nectar they're good just to taste when out on a hike though, for a little pick me up of sweetness. Just don't eat the flowers, only suck the nectar out of them. Some of the honeysuckle bushes have flowers and berries on them that are poisionous to humans. I think there's only one, or possibly two, species that you can safely eat the flowers and not become sick from it.

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Re: Wild edibles

i eat blackberries and we also have wild orange and wild tangerine trees growing on the property....i have never have gotten a sour tangerine, but Lord have mercy if you get a sour orange, some trees the oranges are great, others , down right nasty.....i remember sucking on honeysuckles when i was a kid too...

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