Where do you buy


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Not sure how long it is going to be until my AR gets here with it on backorder, but need to find some ammo in the meanwhile. Want to buy some bulk stuff for basic range target shooting that has decent accuracy. Then will also want something for shooting varmints(coyotes, fox, and bobcats). Checked cheaper than dirt, looks like their prices are comparable to cabelas, all are up considerably from last years cabelas shooting catalog, some ammo nearly double last years prices.

Has anyone here had any experience with the ultramax remanufactured ammo? Any suggestions anyone?

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Re: Where do you buy

Thanks guy, think I am going to order 300 rds of the ultramax from cabelas in 55 gr sp when I place my next order with them. They are $103/300 rds. Not too bad, and the reviews I read were all 5 out of 5 with one review saying this ammo outperforms the black hills ammo and hornady ammo.

If I like it, will get more, the 55 gr sp should work ok for yotes too.

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I wait until gunshows to stock up on ammo,brass and componants. Unless I REALLY REALLY need them. Gander Mtn sells the Black Hills re man 50gr V Max .223 ammo at $20 for 50 rounds. Thats a good deal to get the V max bullet and a Black Hills load for that price. That is the varmint load that goes thu my AR.

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I have had some experience with Ultramax pistol ammo, .45LC to be specific. I tried them with at my CAS shoots and I do not care for it. Many of them had high primers and jammed up my revolvers. I tried it again a year later, thinking that mamybe I got a bad batch and I still had the same problem. I said so-long to Ultramax.:cool:

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