Oh my gosh, oh my gosh....


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OH MY GOSH! grin.gif I am si flipping excited right now! I was talking to my boss about what his plans were for one of the new custodial guys and the campus center (I'm custodian for the campus center at college right now until he finishes training one of the guys and puts him here, so basically I've been a fill in for supervisors in custodial). Anyway I told him I was just wondering because I was trying to get an idea when I would be done/they didn't need me anymore, so I had an idea when I would have some time off. I'll skip to the best part though. I told him "honestly May is turkey season" and he smiled because he has a nephew that hunts and stuff, and he wouldn't have a problem if I wanted to take some mornings off to hunt (I'm basically doing them a huge favor being here working while they train new custodial staff). He then told me he heard turkeys gobbling this morning, first time he'd heard them this year!! I must have lit up and he told me he's seen them cross the roads and where they are up there. He lives right next to state land. He then told me I COULD HUNT ON HIS LAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! shocked.gifsmile.gif He's got like 12 acres across from his house then 67 acres behind him, all bordering state land! I can't believe it. And he gave me a map that shows how to get to his house and where his property is. He told me park wherever. Can you tell I'm excited and happy!!!??? So maybe this weekend I'll take a drive over there and take a look around or next week after work I'll go up and look around. Woohoo!

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Re: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh....

Thats awesome to have access to his land and the state land. I know alot of state land is landlocked by private owners and impossible to access, maybe this area will not have alot of pressure. Usually when I find good places to hunt I can never get off work to hunt them. You have the land now your boss tells you to go hunting in the morning, you starting to sound like Jbeck haha. Goodluck

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