Things that need Fixing


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And just like with any change, it will take some getting use to. The vBulletin software is used by many of the other forums I am on and seems to be very good...just a little different.

That being said, I did lose a lot of posts. Before the change, I had nearly 10,700 posts.

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When I first logged on this morning I was in a major panic, I hated the looks of things and kept saying "why why why, what have they done ?"

After playing around with things and taking the time to figure things out ---- it ain't so bad :)

Going to take some getting used to, but I guess we will all survive :)

It is just human nature to hate change lol

That was my thoughts exactly!;)

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What's Going On?collapse_thead.gif 3297 (412 members and 2885 guests) whos_online.gifMost users ever online was 3,297, 1 Minute Ago at 10:03 PM.

buckee , _MD_ , 007hunter , 125py , 1997xltlimited , 1TarheelHunter , 257Roberts , 2labs , 3whunt , 4Blade , 5SHOT , 6sixpoint_nobrows , 89importeater , 8ptbuckpa , aaronchase , adamo , Adjam5 , admin , adowns99 , AJ , etc, etc, etc..

This feature is lying.:rolleyes: We all want to see who's online "at this moment" not who's been online all day, yesterday and all week. :eek:

And the "Who's Online" feature isn't working either. All it does is give you a users list in alphabetical order of those who have been online.

In it's present state, it is an unusable feature.


The text that you have entered is too long (23387 characters). Please shorten it to 10000 characters long.

This is crap, and needs to be changed too. Why all the silly limits. I've tried to post this twice now, and there is no way I have over 10,000 characters here. Many of these default limit settings need to be changed to make this the friendly place it once was.

There is no good reason why a member can't say "Nope" or "good going", or "Cool", without being penalized with a 10 character or longer limit to his/her reply, and there is no reason why a member can't write a long story if he so wishes....

You have included 5 images in your message. You are limited to using 4 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again.

Again...limits need to be changed

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Also..In Picture post, when I click on "Member Galleries" it is a blank link, and the search for that Gallery cannot be turned off by prressing "stop" and you cannot use "Back Page". The only way out is to exit the internet.

And ... there is nothing in "My Photos", as well as other member "My photos" link.

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I see the title this post changed again. Here's something I think needs fixing still...

The avatars got changed to 40x40 on post views for some reason today. It's still letting me in my profile use 80x80 avatars, but in every post it's squishing my avatar to fit 40x40. I think this must been a coding error and needs fixing. Why let us have 80x80 avatars when they get resized. I can't tell what anyone's avatars really are hardly and they look really bad. 40x40 is really small for an avatar on a forum.

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Try this Jason:


Go to "User CP" up in the left of the RT tool bar OR "QUICK LINKS" over on the right of tool bar

Go to "Edit Options" in the list on the left

Scroll down to "Message Editor Interface"

Change setting to "Enhanced Interface - Full WYSIWYG Editing"

Click on "Save Changes"

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