Photos from tonight


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I decided to go for a walk tonight through the woods. Right away I jump a doe on the way out. I had no success on finding a shed, but took two very nice pictures I'd like to share. Here is one of the sun-setting and the other is a wood duck house someone put up recently. I also got to expierience something new. While I was walking out I heard a gobble behind me. I thought cool a turkey and then I heard another and it sounded close. I turned around and headed back that way. I got a little closer and then I heard one more and I got the general direction. I enter woods and go in about 100 yards and there he is about 30 feet up in a tree. I start walking closer to get a picture. It was really dark so it didn't turn out well. While I was walking up to him though I hear a twig fall next to me. I look straight up and there is another one sitting right above me! It was a pretty cool expierience. Let me know what you think about the top two pictures. :D




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