Need Help With New Look


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Thats it! I was set at 800x600 and was scrolling left and right since the change. I now have it at 1024x768 and the problem is gone! BUT! It will shrink everything on your monitor!!! You will also have too make all your pictures for your desktop to the new size!


Yup had to do the same thing. Everything becomes VERY VERY small but I dont have to scroll..:o

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Im curious about the upper right hand corner where is says "your username and you last visited on # days ago at #:## am/pm."

The time and number of days is not correct. It says I havent been on in over 5 days and well that not true. :):p

Not a big deal just curious. Any one have any insight??

I think it's just one of those bugs that hasn't been fixed yet....;) Sure wish the avatars would go back to 80X80 tho.. :rolleyes:

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Ok so we have already talked about the calendar. But I have a couple questions about it.

If I put a event on the calandar can everyone see it. I dont think so but curious. Kinda cool how you can put reoccuring events or single events on the calander.

It would be neat to have all the different hunting season on it. When certain hunting stars are going to be at what event. Or anything else along those lines to keep us all in the loop.

I noticed that NH Youth Turkey season was on there so that got me thinking.

Oh I also noticed my birthday is now correct but it does not display on the calandar.

Just curious. Anyone have any clues or ideas?:)

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