ABC Gun Control Poll


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The results so far:

No. Violent shootings are isolated incidents and it's irresponsible to link them to gun control.


Yes. This shows the violence that can occur when someone has access to handguns.22,710

I'm not sure. I need more information.1,691

Total Vote: 87,084

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Voted as well.


No. Violent shootings are isolated incidents and it's irresponsible to link them to gun control.



Yes. This shows the violence that can occur when someone has access to handguns.



I'm not sure. I need more information.



Total Vote: 87,321

Really is a shame that the antis have wasted no time with blaming guns. Caught part of the news conference yesterday where the democratic governor of Virginia was asked a line of questions by the media and he ended up responding to the effect at one point that he was not going to play politics at a time like this. Could not possibly have agreed more with what he had to say.

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I can feel a flame war coming on, but how do you explain the incredibly low gun violence in countries with strict gun control laws? I own both handguns and long guns myself, but we've got to do something in this country to prevent people from solving every conflict with hot lead.

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I voted myself.It's good to see that there are still people that are sane and blame the crimes on the criminals and not the guns.People don't realize that these crimes are not committed by law abiding gun owners that use their firearms for hunting and recreation,and no matter what criminals will find a way to get guns no matter what gun laws are in place.

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I can feel a flame war coming on, but how do you explain the incredibly low gun violence in countries with strict gun control laws? I own both handguns and long guns myself, but we've got to do something in this country to prevent people from solving every conflict with hot lead.

you are a brave man :D

here in Canada, we are not allowed to "carry", I myself think that is a good thing. I would feel less safe going to a crowded place like a mall for example if I knew that 3/4 of the people who were there had guns.

Some may say - " you should feel saver if you were carrying" -- I would rather not be involved in a shoot out.

I know that if someone is going to commit a crime with a gun, they are going to do it. But I would still rather not have wingnuts walking around carrying a gun that they are allowed to. JMO

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I voted, and I was surprised at the results as well. I figured most people would vote for more gun control. Glad to see people standing up for our rights and realizing that gun control can't solve these types of things. In the words of a great man: Larry the Cable Guy "If guns kill people, then I can blame misspelled words on my pencil"

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I can feel a flame war coming on, but how do you explain the incredibly low gun violence in countries with strict gun control laws? I own both handguns and long guns myself, but we've got to do something in this country to prevent people from solving every conflict with hot lead.

Can you cite your evidence for this? Most of the numbers I've seen show that those nations, especially "westernized" nations, with very strict gun laws always have HIGHER violent crime rates after the laws were enacted. Great Britain and Australia are two quick examples that come to mind. Both countries have introduced Draconian gun control measures and violent crime has skyrocketed in both countries.

What we might see is a decrease in one type of violence (gun violence) but an even larger increase in others. And think about this. If the public at large is disarmed, and everyone knows it, then the biggest and strongest will automatically have the advantage on the street. What chance would my 5'2" 110 lb girlfriend have against a 6'4" 220 lb attacker without her Glock?

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Can you cite your evidence for this? Most of the numbers I've seen show that those nations, especially "westernized" nations, with very strict gun laws always have HIGHER violent crime rates after the laws were enacted. Great Britain and Australia are two quick examples that come to mind. Both countries have introduced Draconian gun control measures and violent crime has skyrocketed in both countries.

What we might see is a decrease in one type of violence (gun violence) but an even larger increase in others. And think about this. If the public at large is disarmed, and everyone knows it, then the biggest and strongest will automatically have the advantage on the street. What chance would my 5'2" 110 lb girlfriend have against a 6'4" 220 lb attacker without her Glock?

Couldn't have said it better. There is tons of evidence showing that nations with strict gun control laws actually have higher crime rates. I don't know if this is because of the "thrill" factor of getting a gun and using it illegally or what, but I have definitely seen more evidence of countries with strict gun control laws having extremely high crime rates, than low crime rates.

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I can feel a flame war coming on, but how do you explain the incredibly low gun violence in countries with strict gun control laws? I own both handguns and long guns myself, but we've got to do something in this country to prevent people from solving every conflict with hot lead.

I STRONGLY have to disagree with your view point!!!!

In a country that has never had guns this may be true. But in the US, you could pass and try to enforce any and every gun law you want, but, the criminals are not going to turn in there guns, instead they will just use them that much more knowing that there are no guns in the houses at night to be used against them.

I believe your law abiding citizens should be able to be armed if they so desire. The subject of this debate had a history, but nothing was done about it. But even then, you are going to occasionally have nut cases with no troubles with the law that will go over the edge and do something crazy. Just hope the next time it happens, one of the armed law abiding citizens is around and does something about it.

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I can feel a flame war coming on, but how do you explain the incredibly low gun violence in countries with strict gun control laws? I own both handguns and long guns myself, but we've got to do something in this country to prevent people from solving every conflict with hot lead.

i think you are greatly mis-informed. the fact is, the countries with the toughest gun control have the highest crime rates. i know of no exceptions. if you come to america alone, the cities with the toughest gun laws have the highest crime rates. finally, if you remember back 20 years, right to carry laws were coming of age. we were all assured of multiple bar room shootings, and higher crime. they were wrong again.

point is, more guns in leagle gun owner hands equals less crime.

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