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to go out in the morning and listen for the turkeys...hopefulyl gobbling??? Suppose to be nice weather Friday so I'm think of going up to my boss' land before work, and seeing if I can hear the turkeys there, since this weekend is the youth season and I don't know how pressured birds will get, though if they stay on the private land, I don't thinlk anyone is hunting it. It's light enough to see at about 6:15am... not sure when turkeys tend to start talking on the roost or what. Should I take an owl call with me? I'd like to hear them gobble because then I'd have an idea of where they are roosting.

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Guest Huntergirl

Get in early and my be you will hear them calling out before you get in the woods. Them turkeys get up real early.If they are not calling out then use a owl call right about when light starts to peek through. Then mabey you will know where to go get set up. If they dont call out wait a bit and try again. Good luck to ya!!!

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I will be out there around 5:30 just the sky starts to lighten up. Owl call is fine, but no turkey calls, its too tempting. Leave them home.

I agree with MrWiggs!! Get in the woods "before" is gets light out!! You'll hear them sound off as it starts to get light. After it gets light out, they'll already be on the ground doing business!!

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I'd try to get out b4 it gets light, that way you can hear them when they wake up. It should be pretty good this weekend with the nice weather. I heard some birds gobbling last saturday in the cold and snow so the warm should be better. take an owl hoot or crow call with you, you can use them if there are no real one sounding off. Good Luck, like to hear how you make out.

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