Feedback on Winchester Extended Range ??

Guest gobbler62

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Guest gobbler62

Has anyone patterned these shells ??? Do they pattern better that the winchester supreme high velocity ??? I just wanted some reliable feedback on whether or not to purchase the new shells. have had the same box of #4 high velocities for the past 3 years and have taken gobblers from 15-55 yards only had one of 8 get away so far and it was all my fault. But since it is time for a new box I was wondering what my fellow gobbler chasers have to say.........

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As with all things, especially patterning particular shells in a given make and model of gun, your mileage may vary.

That said, I get great patterns with Win Xt Range in both my Remington 11-87 and Mossberg 835 Ulti-Mag. I use an HS Undertaker H.S. choke on both.

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