a couple prayer requests.


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hey everyone, i have a couple prayer requests. the first one would be for my ex-girlfriend's brother who had gastric-bypass surgery today. just pray that there were no complications and that he will stick to the doctors orders so this will work out for him. he needs it bad, as bad as that sounds. but the doctor said if he didnt so something fast his weight would kill him soon. and my other request is for me. i have just been goin through some hard times lately and its really taking a toll on me. i have been soo stressed out that i have lost 20lbs in the last month and a half. i have no appetite and im just really bummed about everything. so pray that god will show me the light and take care of me and my needs. i broke down this morning on my drive back to school and i turned over all my problems to him. so just keep me in mind guys. i hate being like this. thanks soo much.

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i know this whole losing weight thing is not good but im not doing anything to make myself lose weight. i still eat the same and everything. i dont know if its just becasue i have been stressing out about everything big time and it didnt really help that i was sick for quite a while too while all of this is happening too. so who knows. im really working hard to gain it back though becasue people are starting to notice

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cole my friend, prayers have been sent.......but in as much i hopefully have some words of encouragement.

It is obvious to me that your heart is in the right place, as you turn to God and others prayers to help you in your time of distress.....know that others, myself included, have often found ourselves in the pit before we see the light......things may taking a turn for the worse, but they may be for reasons unseen.....take comfort in knowoing that if things are that bad, they can only get better...take notice that God has not forgotten you, but may simply be shaping and strengthening your character.......God has a plan for you my friend, and will undoubtedly be using you to reach others.....just think, by me alone sending God a prayer in your name, was more time i got to spend with him....you did me a favor right there.....

Keep your head up buddy, better times are on the way....

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