Albino Turkeys ?!?!?!?


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Hey guys, I posted this in the turkey room, but it didn't get much response in there, so I'll see what you guys think.......

I don't know much about albinos, but I do know the chances are rare.......but what are the chances of running into three possible albinos in the same group ??

The other day, I was just out driving some backroads....had some time to burn....and while just looking at wildlife as I poked along, I came across a group of wild turkeys, but this group was different......out of the 7 or 8 turkeys, 3 of them were as white as snow.......I grabbed my binos first, and one looked to be a hen and the other two were toms......everything was pinkish white to red, as far as skin tone goes...except the beards on the toms appeared to be black....

Now I don't know for sure that they were albinos, and they didn't give me much more of a chance to watch them.....I was able to grab my camera and snap some pics, as they headed for "the hills" was a neat encounter, whether they are or aren't..........Clay


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The last time I ever knew of anybody in a 30 mile radius have farm raised turkeys was nearly 20 years I I'm fairly sure that they couldn't be that....but I guess there is a possibility....or maybe some of the bloodline still exists enough to produce some ??

One thing is for sure, they were as wild as all get out........they were on the run and there was no catching em', LOL

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