Anyone feel like I do?


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I know it's selfish but do you ever worry about trying to get your bird before some one else does? I guess 3-4 years without turkey, I'm ready to end it this year, but I can't help but think "I've got to find the birds before someone else does" or " If I'm not by them and fly down, if some other guy is there, he'll get the bird". Of course with state land you've probably got alot more competition than private farm land..but still...Anyone else get thus way? Any way to get over it?;)

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I used to have those feelings a long time ago when I was a lot younger and less experienced as a turkey hunter. I guess there just comes a time when it just doesn't bother you anymore. At least it did for me anyway.

It wasn't just worrying about somebody else killing a bird I knew about first back in those days. I'd worry more about making mistakes and possibly blowing the only opportunity I might have that season. When I did blow an opportunity I was real hard on myself. I have since learned that the hunt is the real trophy, not the bird. For some time now my attitude has been that sooner or later, my opportunities will come. I enjoy helping out firends and young hunters get their birds at least as much as getting them myself. Some of my most memorable hunts have been when the only weapon I carried were my calls.

About the only way I can think of to get over it is to kill one to take the pressure off. :D Then you'll probably progress to where just a close encounter where a bird has you shaking all over will do it. Hopefully the day will come when you just kick back and enjoy whatever happens in the turkey woods. ;)

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No, not really. I hunt heavily hunted public land all the time. When I go in the woods it is usually half hour or more before everyone else arrives. I leave a note on my truck telling them where I am, and ask them to please be respectful and not horn in. I have done this for 3 years and it has worked great. I have had folks walk in a full light 75 yards behind me down a logging road when I had a big ole tom screaming his head off and they kept right on walking. Works pretty well for me.


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Mr. Wiggs, I know the feeling very well, your not alone, trust me!!

Last years opener was a perfect example. I put this particular bird to bed the night before, and was all set-up, decoys out, the next morning way early, ready for the show down. Problem was that there is stateland near by, and I was hoping that this gobbler wouldn't start hollering like crazy!! Soon I hear other vehicles driving down the gravel road about 1/8-1/4 mile away. Yep, you guessed it, about 5:35am he starts sounding off!! Soon I hear the owl calls comming from the dirction of that dirt road!! Now I hate calling to a roosted bird very early, but I could see that the pressure was on!! So I reluctantly started giving out some tree talk, and progressively got louder. Soon I heard him fly down, and since I was set-up less than 100 yards from him, luckily things panned out for me and I ended up getting that bird.

But I do know the feeling of getting pressured by somebody else.

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i hunt strictly public land, it can be hard on ya mentally.....i am the first one there, i sleep in my truck, i'm there at my spot 2 hours before flydown, just so i'm the only one there, in the meantime, someone that slept in their bed, comes in after me and sets up 100 yds from can be stressful, but if God wants you to get a bird , he will, if he wants the other guy to get one, then he will.....just go out there do your best, and relax...maybe youre trying a tad too hard...killing a turkey doesnt make you a turkey long as youre out there hunting and learning from each hunt, youre successful in my can eat at with my birds this year, i knew they were there, i scouted 3-4 days a week, i didnt see or hear squat.....other than a hen here and there and gobbling the first morning....just set up where you think they are or where they will be and just hang out, cluck and purr, scratch the ground like a hen feeding......they will come....try not to yelp, every yahoo and their brothers are out there yelping, the birds catch on....good luck.....

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I have to think about other hunters almost as much as I do the turkeys sometimes. I rarely get to hunt private land, so the areas I hunt are crawling with hunters.

Back when I was in school I could hunt during the week and that was awesome. After the first week I would have the woods to myself pretty much, now with the exception of a day or two every season I can only hunt Saturdays. And most of the time if you find yourself a hot bird, chances are you are going to be competing against someone else. I could write a book of all the hunts I have had screwed up due to other hunters barging in, and I'm sure I have screwed up a few for other guys as well.

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I feel your pain TG I had one last year all randy and the closer he got to me the more I thought this is my day and then BOOM from the next ridge over and I felt sick but I went the next day and my persistance paid off I missed but I still took a shot


Good luck in your hunt TG it will pay off on the end

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