spine shots???


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Re: spine shots???


after you miss your mark and hit a deer in the spine will that shot kill them or do you have to put a follow up shot in it??

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I have actually had a quartering away shot from high in the stand and judged the yardage wrong and hit the spine. The arrow dropped the big 7 pointer in his tracks but needed a follow up shot through the vitals to dispatch him as other than a severed spinal cord, there was no real injury that would cause death. Very minor bleeding also. With that being said, I would never intentionally spine shoot a deer with an arrow.

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Re: spine shots???

I haven't had too many of these but a couple. Not becasue I aimed there though. One required a follow up shot. I walked up to the deer that didn't die from the shot to finish him off. Not pretty watching a deer spining around trying to get up in one spot.

I have cleaned 2 deer that had old broadheads in their backstraps from spine shots that didn't break their backs. Both were completely healed up so they were at least a year old. Obviously they were living proff that a spine shot doesn't always result in a kill.

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Re: spine shots???

I actually watched a hunting show on the Men's channel the other night with a guy promoting spine shots quartering towards him! frown.gifblush.gif I had to change the channel, couldn't believe what I was watching.

Like everyone else has said...a spine shot will drop them (usally) in their tracks, but they are still very much alive and isn't pretty to watch at all. If something goes wrong a you hit the spine...a quick follow up shot (in the vitals) should be taken.

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Guest KSNimrod

Re: spine shots???

Follow up. It just makes sense. If I had a second shot at a deer I had double lunged I would take it. With a spine shot you get that chance as they can't run off.

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