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So Friday I cleaned my gun and put the H.S. Undertaker choke back in. Today I printed 3 of those free Remington targets and took 3 different turkey shells I have...I haven't gotten a turkey for awhile so I have a few brands but not alot. I shot from 25 yards with the 3 diff. shells...changing a target each time. By far the Federal shell shot the best with around 40 holes in the red circle and about 25 more outside the circle that would have killed the turkey anyway. The runner-up was the Remington with around 25-30 inside the red circle and about 15 outside it... Last was the Winchester shell with around 22-25 inside the red circle and 10-15 outside it...So since the Federal patterned the best at 25 should shoot well at like 30-35 yards? I don't have enough shells to test that theory, but one of the first spring birds i got several years back, a jake, I took him around 40 yards with a Federal. I know maybe the shells might vary at farther distance but the Federal really killed my paper turkey:eek: :cool:;)

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I agree with the last 2 post. Best to know what it will do downrange but it sounds like you'll just need to check the Federal shells. If the others are performing poorly at 25 yards they won't outperform the Federal shells downrange.

BTW, lj's suggestion about using butcher paper is what I do too. You should tape 2 strips together to double the width. That will allow you to see the entire spread of your pattern downrange. ;)

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