That's what I'm talking about!


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Last night after dinner, I went up and sat on top of the old gravel pit to listen for birds, around quarter to 8. Seemed like I was there forever but I think around 8:15pm I here a turkey fly up then GOBBLLEE! then 5 minutes later I see another turkey fly up and land on a branch about 75-100 yards away. He then started strutting on the branch for like 10 minutes! Then finally settled down for the night and I crawled away until I was out of sight. Went back this morning. Sat in the woods below him and to his left. About quarter to 6, he starts gobbling and strutting on the branch! I counted 26 times he gobbled then he flew down on top of the ridge and gobbled again. Then I saw another turkey fly down, not sure if it was a gobbler or hen. Talk about exciting. Now I'm hoping for two things:

1. No one else knows about him. I haven't seen sign of anyone else up there but I never know and I never know what stunt the neighbors are going to pull next.

2. I hope he roosts about 100 yards down hill further because where he was right tonight, was about 50 yards from the property line of where I hunt. If he roosts in the same spot, he's over the line and then I don't know what to do.

Today at work is going to drag but tonight I'll be up there to roost him again. Ooohhh I just pray no one else bumps him tomorrow/tonight!

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Was wondering....why is this bird strutting so much on the roost? Is he showing off for the other bird whether hen or gobbler? Is he just hot? lol I haven't heard any other gobbling, yet I know there are 2 other gobblers around....think he may just be the older dominant bird? In all my springs of hunting, never have I had that much action in an evening and morning with a gobbler...

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