Any opinions on this gun??? Mainly for Turkeys


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Re: Any opinions on this gun??? Mainly for Turkeys

Most of the aftermarket turkey chokes will give outstanding results. As long as you don't over choke, you will be able to get great performance when the best choke is teamed with the best ammo. I am a fan of Nitro Company. Their custom loads and Rhino chokes deliver some super sweet patterns you have to see to believe. They are not inexpensive, but they do work outstanding. Here are their recommendations for the Mossberg or Winchester 3":

Regular Turkey Loads With A .650 2" Extended Rhino Choke - 301A #4x5x7.5 Copper 145-170 pellets

Economy Turkey Load With A .650 2" Extended Rhino Choke - 301A #4copper x 5copper x 7hevishot® 180-200 pellets

Hevishot® Turkey Load With A .660 2" Extended Rhino Choke - H378 #4x5x7 or #2x5x7 Hevishot® 170-200 pellets

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Re: Any opinions on this gun??? Mainly for Turkeys

Nitro Company does indeed load Hevishot®. They are a different company than Environmetal, Inc. Their loads are custom blended for max performance. They do have loads that combine copper plated lead and Hevishot® in the same payload. I use their triplex load of 4x5x7 Hevishot®. It is amazing what this stuff will do.

Remington has a deal with Environmetal, Inc. (makers of HS) to use HS, but they are not exclusive to Remington. Hevishot® still offers their own ammo, and reloaders can purchase HS to load in their own recipes.

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Re: Any opinions on this gun??? Mainly for Turkeys


60$ for a box of ten shotgun shells.....

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I look at it this way, I do not shoot that many turkey loads. I shoot one to verify my sights are on and then the rest are at turkeys. A box of 25 shells will last me many many years. Sure they are $100 a box, but over the years, it is not too bad.

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