New Rifle(Pics)

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I finally got the rifle I ordered and took it out to the range today. Tikka T3, Laminated stock, stainless steel, .300 WSM. Topped it with a Zeiss Conquest, 3-9 X 40. The gun has the best trigger I have ever shot, and I can't believe how smooth the bolt is. It is still pretty light though, and after 15 shots I am feeling it. I may need to look into some recoil reducing options before I do a lot of target shooting with it.

Factory 180 grain winchester loads were all I had today, and after I sighted in I shot a 1.5 " 5 shot group at 100 yards...and if it wasn't me the gun clearly would have shot tighter. I can't wait to see what this gun can do with some time and different loads.


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