Got My First Bird!!!!!!

Guest HoppeMan

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Guest HoppeMan

It was sunny yesterday, but windy. I had been in a mostly open place where a flock of turkey hang out all day long. No success there. Tractor came to get some bales of hay and scared my gobblers away :( So I moved on to anothern set of woods, one I had never hunted before (I had gotten permission to hunt them the night before). The owner is a great guy, and took me on a tour of his woods the night before on his four-wheeler, showing me where the birds hang out.

So I got there, and set up on a ridge over-looking a valley from a cliff maybe 80 feet high. After a little calling, a hen came in. I goofed that, and scared her off. Well, I figured that if one turkey is around, more have to be. I kept calling, and sure enough, a couple minutes later, a gobbler answered. I couldn't tell whether he was in the valley or on the ridge with me, so I sat for a few minutes longer, calling, and getting quite a few responses. After some gobbles, I determined he was on the ridge with me. So I moved about 15 yards away from the ridge, where I had a pretty clear zone.

I heard him gobbling til it sounded like he was maybe 60 yards away, them it all went silent. 10 minutes later, a group of jakes come running up behind me, and with that, the turkey in front of me decides it must be safe. 40 yards in front of me he showed himself, and I took him. My first bird!!! It was exciting!!!

Here he is......8 1/2 inch beard, 1 inch spurs.




A special thanks to Al (dartonman) for all the help he's given me! And thanks to all the others that have given me advice...It has all helped!!!!!

Take care,


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Im so proud of you young were persistant, and never folded the took advise well, and Im sure glad you had a "plan B"....that is a fine bird, a fine bird I mentioned in my pm, someday you'll be able mail off calls and stuff to a young man or young lady getting the itch to try turkey hunting.....Im extremely proud of you, and I sure hope Andy (Bowhunter56) sees this post for sure, Im sure he wanted an IOWA monarch of the woods to fall to his call he sent are an asset to the forums, and I hope some luck runs to NY to help Ruth out....great bird buddy, you deserve

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Guest bowhunter56

good job Nathan, the other day your were bummed, because your season was over, and now look at you...Proud with a nice bird...You did well...You have a great friend in Al, and the other members of this forum,,,,Andy

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Guest HoppeMan
That's a nice first turkey congrats :D Seems like Andy's calls are sealing the deal around here in the forum :D

Yeah, wonderful, beautiful calls :D :D :D :D

Take care,


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