An unexpected be blessed!!!


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I GOT A TURKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek::)

Went up to the gravel pit last night, heard birds fly up a little bit lower than where they were but same vicinity. Went back this AM, set up in a different spot by the ridge...heard them fly down but no gobbles or anything. At 6:45 I decided to get over to that corn field where the gobbler had been with his hen 2 days ago. I set up on a corner of woods right on the field edge, stick my decoy out about 15 yards....then I sit back down in the corner which is perfect...under a hemlock with shade and some greening bushes to provide great concealment. I give some yelps and clucks on my call from Alex and Karen....then I switch to a mouth call. Around 8 thought I heard a gobble but not sure where it came from. Then around 8:30 a hen comes down off a hill in the corn field and crosses over towards a grass field...she was by herself so I thought she must be that lone hen I saw before the season. Maybe 1 minute after that a pick-up comes driving back up a field edge from where the hen had been headed, but they were leaving. About 10-15 minutes later I hear a gobble for sure and I give some clucks and yelps....then I hear a gobble and for sure it is closer and somewhere up on the hill in the corn field...sounds like it is around a bend on the edge of the woods that I call "camp" as we camped there for 2 summers many years ago when we didn't have a house to rent. I call...he answers...he gets closer with every gobbler...finally he appears around the bend headed down the hill....he breaks into a strut! I see some tail feathers in his tail indicating it's a jake! This is a new bird to me..I totally was un aware of him being over in this area. I give some soft raspy yelps and he just struts his way down the hill, eye balling my decoy. What a beautiful sight! Wish I'd brought the camera....duh. So I have my gun neck and head are shaking/twitching from adrenaline,lol. I think my neck and eye balls are going to cramp from looking down the barrel. He's about 25 yards....I yelp and cutt at him to get his head up...he just struts and takes some the way he was drumming and spitting the whole time. I even made a weird squeak on my call and he didn't poke his head up. Finally he is about 15 yards and I cutt really hard, his head maybe comes up an inch,lol, and BOOM! He's down flopping! Oh my gosh, I ran out thanking the Lord and not knowing if I would cry,lol.

What a nice surprise to bring home and show my mom. Got some photos...I'll post those later...gotta go measure his little beard and little spurs,lol, and get cleaning, then gotta shower and get my hair cut. I'll be out again tomorrow though to see if I can get in contact with the big gobbler. Thank you Lord for blessing me with a bird!

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Congrats Ruth. Way to go!!! Your perseverance finally paid off for you.

That ought to make it easier for you to relax and enjoy the hunt more now...well until it comes close to that time for you to sling that next bird over your shoulder this season. :D

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The vest is great! My rear end has been getting sore though from all the sitting I've been doing so more padding may be needed... but I love it! One of the zipper pulls came undone today, but I figured out how to unsnap the plastic thing and put the material back in. All fixed.:-)

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