Alberta deer hunt

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I believe what Saskman means is if that happens allot of the local residents will loose places to hunt just like what is happening in IL and Kansas right now. Yes it brings in money but without a doubt hurts the local residents that loose places they have hunted for years.

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MIchiganhunter, you asked. you will receive. In Alberta land access is getting far and far more difficult to access due to outfitters operating on private land and the sponshorhip fact, basically, non licenced outfitting. Here close to the Alb. border we see an absolute pile of Alberta residents here as a non resident. For them, it is way cheaper to travel to Saskatchewan, stay in a hotel for a week and hunt whitetails than it is to find quailty ground there, the $$ has found it's way into Alberta like it has so many U.S states.

I guess I like it the way things are here, outfitters operating on public land, regular guys are not tying up land b/c they are "sponsoring" a buddy and gaining access for locals is a free and easy thing. In my opinion, we have the best hunting place in the world..and I for one would like to see it stay that asked.

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