Uh oh...


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I went on a walk around the perimeter of the land I hunt...trying to get a bird to shock gobble...no luck but I never get one to anyway,lol. I went down a logging trail a little bit off a field to try my crow call as I know the big gobbler seems to hang down in the cooler swamp when it's warm but on the other side, not the side I'm on. Well inbetween two trees I find a bunch of turkey wing feathers! I thought it could be one of a couple reasons:

1-maybe from the guy who shot over the area opening morning...but this is on the other side of the ridge and the feathers quills were either kind of chewed/shredded and some whole.

2-Guy dumped his turkey parts somewhere and foxes just cleaning up

3- Fox got a turkey...and if so..I hope it wasn't a gobbler! Fox more likely to get a nesting hen?

They didn't look too too fresh but I'd say in the last couple days. Thing is I walked back out to the field and down the field edge and looked way across the field onto this overgrown grassy meadon on a hillside and I see bright red spots...I look through my binocs to see 2 adult and 4 fox pups out in the sun:mad:

Going up to the gravel pit in a few to hopefully hear birds roost....I just hope if a fox did get a turkey from what I saw, it wasn't a jake or gobbler.

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