Which AR-15??

Guest jbob3006

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Seems like with the awb, there is a rush on some, and some are harder to find and if you do find what you are after the prices are likely up a bit. Dont know which is the best, but I went with a rock river varmint model with a 20 inch barrel. Glad I ordered mine when I did, the price at dealer I ordered from has gone up nearly $200 on this gun.

Think what you are looking for as what you consider best will depend just like anything else what type of performance you want out of it; is weight a factor, how accurate from the factory are you looking for, does the rifle have an adjustable trigger stock from the factory, gun appearance and other possible factors that will vary depending on who you ask. Still waiting on the dealer to get my gun in stock so they can ship it to my ffl.

Here is a pic of what I have ordered. Think if it shoots to the specs, it will perform beyond my abilities and will do all I want to do with it.


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The AR15 design is capable of some very fine accuracy. Who makes the best is a hard call. It all depends on what you want to pay. If accuracy is you top priority, you can get Les Baer rifles that have guarantees to shoot 1/2" groups at 100 yards. That will put most bolt guns to shame. You may get a gun that shoots as well from another maker but its not guaranteed to shoot that tight. Most gun makers can make guns that shoot 1" groups with a shooter that is capable of doing so. I have a JP Enterprise flat top upper that is the second most accurate gun I own. Its only bested by my 6 PPC benchrest gun.

If you want a gun capable of shooting National Match Service Rifle competition, there are many builders that offer one that will shoot much better than the majority of shooters using them. Rock River, like William mentioned makes a great gun and offers them at a decent price. I just bought a M4 style gun by them. It has a 16" barrel, collapsable stock, etc. The fit and quality is top notch.

You can also get the big name mass produced guns like Bushmaster, Olympic Arms, DPMS, and Armalite. They are decent quality guns. You can still get Colt guns but they have a higher price tag and are not necessarily any better quality.

Personally, I would not buy an Olympic Arms and I would probably stay away from Bushmaster. Armalite, and DPMS make decent quality guns. If I could get it quickly, Rock River would be my first choice for a factory gun.

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Guest Clay008
If I could get it quickly, Rock River would be my first choice for a factory gun.

Rock River makes a nice rifle. I have had one for about a year and half now and it is awesome!

They are alot of fun and the accuracy is amazing! I purchased the entry tactical version with the collapsable stock. It sounds like it may be similar to AJs.

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