Why Anti - Corn

Guest CajunHunter_7

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Guest CajunHunter_7

Why are some of you guys all anit Corn? I like to hunt over the corn because iof I dont see a buck I atleast like to see some deer. I mean hey you dont use thats fine but Dont push laws for the passage of no feeding or hunting over bait. Hey like Momma has always said if it aint your buissness stay out of it. I mean the three ghuys down the road who lease 300 acres feed corn but cant hunt over it becuase Some people dont use corn and figure thwey may as well oppose it. I am glad that Miss is puttiong in new feed laws. Because we can feed ion La but not Miss. Well you cant hunt over it in Miss.

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Im not quite sure I even know what you are talking about ... who on here doesnt like to hunt over corn or oposes any hunting privledges ...


I think he's talking about baiting.

I do agree with Steve though; are you speaking of someone in particular cajun?

Baiting is legal in Ohio, but it's rarely used, and I don't know how effective it is in our area because there's so much available food.

These debates have come and gone. What it boils down to is that if it's legal where you hunt, and you want to do it, go for it. Unfair criticism won't be tolerated here.

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Why are some of you guys all anit Corn? I like to hunt over the corn because iof I dont see a buck I atleast like to see some deer. I mean hey you dont use thats fine but Dont push laws for the passage of no feeding or hunting over bait. Hey like Momma has always said if it aint your buissness stay out of it. I mean the three ghuys down the road who lease 300 acres feed corn but cant hunt over it becuase Some people dont use corn and figure thwey may as well oppose it. I am glad that Miss is puttiong in new feed laws. Because we can feed ion La but not Miss. Well you cant hunt over it in Miss.

For one, MS is not putting in new feed laws. Just in a few counties they are going to try a pilot baiting program. I'm so glad that my county nor any of the bordering ones were selected. Second of all, it is our(the ones of us who oppose baiting) business. Baiting is what the name says, you bait the deer to a site. Now you can put up an argument that food plots do the same, but food plots take work to make and a lot of work to be very successful. You said exactly why i'm opposed to baiting("I like to hunt over the corn because if I dont see a buck I atleast like to see some deer.") I'm gonna end here. I'm wasting my time. You can't change people like this.

Let's all just go ride our fourwheelers down a logging road, dumping corn out and then ride right up to our box stand, climb in and sit in a nice comfortable chair and pull out a .300 mag and shoot the first thing with horns that sticks his head in the pile. sounds fun! Right?

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yeah, sorry i get fed up with this stuff. He's from the same parts i am, and i promise it does not take corn to find deer. I'm huge anti-baiting. Let's don't get this started again though. everyone has their own opinions, and none of us will change anyone.

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Im not quite sure I even know what you are talking about ... who on here doesnt like to hunt over corn or oposes any hunting privledges ...


Kind of wondering who cajunhunter is referring to here too. If it is legal where you are and you feel ok with it, go for it.

Not legal here to hunt over bait. I would hunt over a corn field or a food plot though as that is perfectly legal.

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Guest Kelby Wright

It is legal to bait here in arkansas, personally i like hunting over corn because if i dont see deer u can atleast see some squirrels and birds,

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Guest CajunHunter_7

What I was trying to say

What I was trying to say was To those who are Anti baiting. Why are you Anti baiting? I kinda left out some details becaus eI was in a hurry. But why be Anti Baiting okay you dont bait thats fine but dont make it Illegal for the guy down the road to bait. And there uh Rhine16 yeah uh I dont drive down a logging road dumping corn I scatter the corn makeing deer work for it and get out of there quietly and secretly. Like someone said its not how THEY do it so they are against it. Well you know what I am glad to see this is ghetting some attention.

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Ok look where I'm from u either hunt on near or around some sort of a farm, the other area I hunt is in the Upper Pen of michigan and bating is legal...i dont mind baiting and often employ if..i dont like people usin bait to harvest your spikes and stuff but for the most part bait can be a successfull and effective way to hunt deer.....ALSO if u hunt a set of wood that might be between food (AKA CORN) and a beding area like i do durring bow season than your still using some sort of bait but not in the dump it on the ground and set on it kind of way....even if you are hunting in an area where alot of acorn are dumping your using bait u just arent' puting it down your self Mother_N is doin it for you...i dont mind baiting but really all sports man need to stick to gether and realise some peoples hunting skill aren't up to the par of other more experinced hunters....AND I am tellin YOU ALL right now 2 thing ONE when i get older i will be settin my kids up on or as close to some sort of bait as i can because its good for kids to have a good hunting expreince SECOND if we (as hunters) keep nit picking the legal activites of OUR sport we all should know that the ANTI HUNTING groups will use our arguments to drive a wedge between us and distroy the sport we all LOVE so please respect everyones choice of hunting tech's as long as they are LEGAL.............................................God bless the hunter, the soldiers and the next generation

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I believe that the debate here is what each individual hunter is comfortable with....if it is legal....some guys think of baiting as cheating.....just as being from Indiana....using a center-fire rifle would sure enough have put some impressive racks on the wall.....in some parts of the country there isn't the food sources available that are here in the midwest....I can see how baiting could be helpful; however, where I hunt I don't think baiting is going to distract deer from the acres upon acres of corn, beans, and alfalfa....I say each to their own if it's legal.....if you're comfortable with it, do it......if not, don't.......

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From what I've heard from guys who do bait, it isn't as easy as the anti-baiters make it sound. The deer get used to the bait pile being there, and the more mature smarter deer visit it during the safer hours of darkness. It's not the sure-fire way of bagging Mr. Big, that's for sure. It's great (like said above) to set younger hunters up for an exciting hunt, no matter what comes in during daylight hours.

Personally, I prefer hunting beside a cornfield :D But that's only because you know the deer will show up just before dark, and be exiting the field just after first light. The trick is to be covering the right trail :D

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Bait if you want. If its legal go for it don't bother me a bit. Have baited once or twice in my time as well just don't find it as fun as when I have to work harder to find the deer rather than having them coming in to bait.

But like steve said at times baiting still can be hard.lol Do what you want its just not for me.

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Guest Finn
The same reason some folks are against crossbows, or against centerfire rifles, or against deer hunting with dogs, or against deer driving, or against in-line muzzleloaders, or against fishing with live bait! It's not how they do it so they're automatically against it.

Great point. When it's different from the way someone is used to, they think it's wrong. :(

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