Nascar drivers...sports figures?


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I know driving a racecar is a chellenging thing to do, and it takes endurance and concentration...but can we really classify Nascar drivers as "sports figures" or "atheletes"?

I don't really think we can. I really define "sport" as something that you use your body to compete and perform. In racing, either car, truck or horse, the person is really just manipulating a vehicle of some sort to perform and compete.

I guess it comes down to this...even if I'm bowling or something that doensn't really require a high level of athletisism, I still feel like I'm doing something "sporting" as oppossed to when I drive to work or the store.

Your thoughts?

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Guest Finn
If you don't classify them as athlete's, then what category would you put them in?

Personally, I think they are more of an athlete than a golfer or bowler. Other than Tony Stewart, I think all of the cup drivers are in pretty good shape.

Which Nascar driver is a better athlete than Tiger Woods? :confused:

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Guest Clay008
Which Nascar driver is a better athlete than Tiger Woods? :confused:

I think they are both athletes.

I think it takes alot to drive a car at 200mph for hours on end in the heat and to stay focused. I don't think people can just get off their couch and drive the Daytona 500.

I also think it takes alot to play golf and prepare yourself to be able to hit the ball forever off the tee and be in the heat and stay focused for hours.

They are both physically demanding.

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Guest andymansavage

First off, I have never watched a nascar race nor do I intend to. But... if we are going to call a fat, lazy, not able to run designated hitter in baseball an athlete, why not a driver. It takes more physical skill to manipulate a car all day on a hot track than swing a bat 4 times every other night. As far as the car being an "instrument", what is a bat? Let's see a player hit a home run with his bare arm. He needs his "instrument" just like a driver does.

BTW, I still think that olympic and hs/college style wrestlers are the most hard core "atheletes"

I may be biased though...


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I really dont see drivers as athletes. I guess when I think of athlete I think of someone doing something physical like hitting, skating, throwing, swinging.....I guess I dont see driving as one of those types of things. Just the way I see it.

Actually I think if NASCAR had more to do with the actual drivers and driving I might be more inclined to call them athletes.

I dont know a whole lot about racing but it seems like NASCAR is driven by people behind the scenes. If anybody should be called an athlete it should be the guys working on the cars 18 hours a day. I mean, does it matter how good a driver Dale Earnhardt or Jeff Gordon is if their car is only 20th best in the whole field? Probably not. :rolleyes:

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Guest Finn

I think a normal person could practice enough to drive a nascar car without wrecking it. Not win the title or a race, but not die doing it.

No amount of practice would make that same person be able to hit a 98 mph fastball.;)

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Granted he is not really much of a driver anymore, but, Michael Waltrip has ran a few marathons. Has Tiger?

he never was much of a driver...those were probably the best races waltrip has ever had :D

i would be willing to be that if he wanted to, it wouldn't take long for Tiger to be in condition to run a marathon, if he couldn't already. he is in as good of shape as a lot of athletes out there..golfers may not sit in a car for 2-3 hours, but they do walk a golf course in around 4, in 100 degree weather...4 straight days(not counting practice rounds, and rounds at home) and some do more than just hit golf balls, some(like Tiger) workout on a regualr basis also.

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Guest Clay008
Granted he is not really much of a driver anymore, but, Michael Waltrip has ran a few marathons. Has Tiger?

lol! Has Waltrip qualified since Daytona? My Dad and I joke about his multi-million dollar rig that he gets to travel around in and watch all of the races.

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Driving a 3400 pound race car for 500 miles and having a lot of g-forces for most of those miles in 120+ degree heat takes some sort of endurence I bet. At a track like Talladega where you have cars within inches of you and your going 200 MPH for 4 hours, I think that takes a lot more thinking than a major league ball player. I bet that a driver does more during a race than a lot of MLB players do. Most sports you get a little break during the game. Not in racing. Cautions can't be considered much of a break because 90% of the time you'll be doing a pit-stop.

It doesn't really matter what your opinion is about drivers, but you cannot deny that pit crew members are very, very good athletes. It takes an extreme amount of practice to change two tires in 12 seconds. If you've ever watched NASCRAP Nation (before it turned into a Playboy Bunny show), you know that the crew members train (weights) for several hours each day.

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I know driving a racecar is a chellenging thing to do, and it takes endurance and concentration...but can we really classify Nascar drivers as "sports figures" or "atheletes"?

I don't really think we can. I really define "sport" as something that you use your body to compete and perform. In racing, either car, truck or horse, the person is really just manipulating a vehicle of some sort to perform and compete.

I guess it comes down to this...even if I'm bowling or something that doensn't really require a high level of athletisism, I still feel like I'm doing something "sporting" as oppossed to when I drive to work or the store.

Your thoughts?

My thoughts? You sure? Nah, forget it.

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First off, some people say that anyone can drive a car. Well, guess what anyone can throw or hit a baseball, anyone can shoot a hoop, anyone can swing a golf club, anyone can roll a bowling ball, and anyone can throw a football. BUT it ALL entails more than just that. There is a lot more skill needed in all of the sports. Try racing three wide around Talladega going 200 MPH next to Jr, Stewart, Gordon, Johnson, etc. Try taking a bump draft without losing control. Try to manuever your car down pit road with 42 other cars going 55 MPH. Try to hit a fastball from some fast pitcher in baseball (know notin bout baseball), try guarding Kobe Bryant in basketball, try beating Tiger woods in golf, try to guard ANY NFL receiver, or go up against a 300+ pound lineman.

Do you get my point? They ALL take DIFFERENT kinds of ATHLETIC SKILL!!!

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It's pretty simple. If you are a race fan and/or have any clue about racing, you'll say yes. If you aren't a race fan and don't know what all goes on during a race, you'll say no.

And listening to PTI or Around the Horn or any other sports show that isn't dedicated to racing isn't giving you knowledge about racing. Even watching SportsCenter isn't going to help.

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It's pretty simple. If you are a race fan and/or have any clue about racing, you'll say yes. If you aren't a race fan and don't know what all goes on during a race, you'll say no.

i am a race a fan(not obsessed like some)...and up until this year i used to watch almost every race...and i still don't consider the drivers athletes

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