All Set for Wednesday at 5:30AM


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Everything is a go for tomorrow morning at 5:30AM! I will check into the hospital for back surgery!:(

If I am counting right, I think this makes the 36th or 37th operation I have had! I think this is enough.

They have to go in and cut out some bone spurs and calcium deposits around the spinal column. I should be in surgery for a couple of hours.

Depending how quick I recover, I should be home in 3 or 4 days!

I am ready to get this done because my back and legs are really bothering me!

Buckee will just have a field day without having to delete my posts for a few days! LOL!:D

See you all when I get back and moving around. I will be on here hit and miss the rest of today!

So it goes with life! You hit these detours ever so often and you take what you get and go on!:)

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Everything is a go for tomorrow morning at 5:30AM! I will check into the hospital for back surgery!:(

If I am counting right, I think this makes the 36th or 37th operation I have had! I think this is enough.

They have to go in and cut out some bone spurs and calcium deposits around the spinal column. I should be in surgery for a couple of hours.

Depending how quick I recover, I should be home in 3 or 4 days!

I am ready to get this done because my back and legs are really bothering me!

Buckee will just have a field day without having to delete my posts for a few days! LOL!:D

See you all when I get back and moving around. I will be on here hit and miss the rest of today!

So it goes with life! You hit these detours ever so often and you take what you get and go on!:)

I'll be thinking about you in the morning Orlan. I'm headed out early for an Ulta-sound in the big city tomorrow.

All the best on that operation. God knows you've had enough of them.

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