The 870 roars and VTbowman scores!


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Went out last Sunday morning for a quick turkey hunt. Really not expecting to much from our area as the birds are just not up here very thick in NW Vermont yet. They just opened the season up here the last few years.

I got out late, around 8:30, and took a walk up the back fence line calling every 200 yards or so with absolutely nothing sounding off to my calls.

I was gonna just bag it if I did not raise anything but decided to walk up to check out the trees the forester marked for cutting.

Calling every so often on my way up to the top of the ridge.

As I was getting ready to go back down over the "rim" and I hear a faint gobble way off on the back property. I yelp and he answers.

I walk back up about 50 yards to start looking for a tree but can't find one that is wide enough nor not in full sun shine. I finally pick the "best" one (a small double trunk) and set out a hen decoy about 12 yards away. I start clucking and purring only and he cuts me off. He is comng fast.

Then I hear another right behind me coming in as well. I called in 2 jakes and a Tom. Great. Now I have to deal with 3 sets of eyes and I have zero cover around me.

They skirt around me at about 40 yards but kept an eye on the deek (or me I could not tell). Lucky for me the wind was moving it slightly and making it turn the same direction they were circling.

They go behind a small knoll and all I can see is the top 1/2 the their necks and their heads. They mingle around over there for about 10 minutes switching spots now anbd again and I ended up loosing which one was the Tom.

Feeling like the whole time at least one of them was watching me as the other 2 were walking around. I swear they were trying to get me to move. Meanwhile, I dropped my striker beside my leg but could not "feel" it and I can not move to look for it. I reach for another, pull it free and give a few soft purrs to draw them back.

The Tom responds and wanders back around the front of the knoll but keeping behind brush, sappling and now my neighbors freaking maple suger lines. I pick a spot and decide if he walks threw it it go time. He does and I dropped the hammer on him at about 30+ yards.

19 lbs with a double beard (7.5" and 7.75") but no spurs at all.

Ok maybe at 1/8" each.


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Attaboy...Way to go Shawn!!!! And a double beard to boot!

Congrats bud...I know you're hunting tuff turkey hunting country up there.

I read an article that said less than 1% of birds harvested have no spurs. Multiple bearded birds are the most common oddity. Never have heard of one (until now) that had multiple beards and no spurs. Needless to say, you killed a unique trophy gobbler.

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a BIG CONGRATS on a nice bird Shawn ,,, :cool: :cool:

All I've encountered on my 2 trips are hens, and alot of them,, I would have expected to see atleast a jake with them but nope,, just hens...:confused::(

GLAD,, you nailed a Vermont bird tho ... WAY TA GO !!

Thats about 1000x better then when you and I hunted up there a couple years ago Luke. LOL

I am sure you will see a bird or two to wack.

Thanks Rhino. Its not an easy area with so few birds. I feel quite lucky.

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Guest HoppeMan

Congrats on the bird! I'd take double beards over spurs any day of the week ;)

Gotta love those 870's, eh? My Dad shoots one, and it's a beauty :D

Take care,


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Yeah when I 1st went to my bird I did not see the beard and saw the absence of spurs so I thought I had shot one of the 2 jakes that were with him.

Once I flipped him over and saw the beard I was a tad confused but it is what it is. Id rather have a double beard then 2" spurs. LOL

Thanks all.

I hope to get back out there Saturday morning to see if I can call up another.

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