First ever Turkey


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This is a picture of my first ever Turkey that I haversted las year. I have no clue to what species it is. The tail measures 53 1/4" from tip to tip when fully fanned out, I am new to this sport and never kept the beard and spures frown.giffrown.gif. I built this frame myself and mounted the tail under glass until I can afford to have it done proffessionally. I would like to get some opinions on this this tail as to what the species might be...being my first ever Turkey it's a Trophy in my heart..



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Re: First ever Turkey

Snapper, I don't think it was a jake, the guy that I was hunting with made me pass on I count how many jake's. the two short feathers that you see I because he made me dress the Turkey and I boo-booed..dummy me. The beard was almost 11" and the spures were quite long. I forgot these in Mass. never to see them again, I was definately furious with myself. I have got to learn the differences between species if I'm going to hunt these dang birds...LOL

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Re: First ever Turkey

Spurrs are your best indicator for age, and if you say they were quite long...then my mistake, he would have been a mature bird. Tail fans and beards can be decieving to the birds age.

You can rest assured if you hunt any where in the eastern US (aside from Florida) you'll be hunting Easterns. Go to the NWTF website...they have alot of useful info. on turks.

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Re: First ever Turkey

I also believe it to be an eastern.

And as far as learning about Turkey Hunting, you can't learn any more about turkey hunting than from the NWTF forums. Not to take anything from anyone on here(which are probably most all members of the NWTF).

I learned almost everything I know from that great bunch of guys and gals.

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Re: First ever Turkey

Now that Vermont has a turkey season?

You mean I've been chasing them without a season? LOL.

Vt means now that they opened the zone he hunts in. Vermont has had a season for quite some time now...........just no birds up there in Vermont's flatlands.

By the way, bud, Good luck in the spring. If you get frustrated chasing the few birds you have up there, feel free to travel south some. Shawn can tell ya what it's like to have 10 birds gobbling at once one day then another 6 the next. We have more birds here then we need.

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Re: First ever Turkey

Guess I should have included that little bit of important info UH ?? LOL.

I guess I should have made it clear that the Northern part of the state didn't have a season..

Thanks for clearing that up for me...

As for flat lands I'll send you pic. of the area I'm going to be hunting these critters nothing flat to them at all..LOL

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