I have a dirty shirt **HELP**


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Here is what I did. I cleaned my .45 Colt, single action revolver. I concluded with a healthy wipe down of Break Free then put the gun back together. After that was done I spun the cylinder to make sure everything worked ok. When I did this I sprayed a little gun oil on my favorite shirt. My wife tried everything at our disposal but the stains will not come out. What is good for cleaning this type of stains?



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Dawn usually works pretty well for removing oil and grease stains. Have heard wd-40 and some hair sprays will take stains out of clothes too. Seems like I tried wd-40 on a shirt once at work while at work adn rinsed it in the sink there, then followed up with spray and wash after I got home and the stain came completely out. If you try the wd-40, might try it on something else first and see how it does.

Good luck.

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I like using dawn in a bucket with as hot water as i can get....let it mix up and stir your shirt around to soak it well than take and dump off the top layer of water out of the bucket so it dont get back on the shirt..than rinse it out with well to get the soap off than run it threw the washer....u just want to get the majority of the dawn off it will foam up real bad in the washer

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