Multiple trail cams-pic storage


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Even though at this time of the year the activity is really not all that significant, I am kind of wondering how some of you with multiple cams keep up with what pics come from what cams and if you try to catalog pics for later use. Think there is some software out there that might do what I am trying to do, but not sure. Think what I am doing will work out fine for my intended use. Later on as it gets closer to season keeping track like this should prove to be a beneficial aid to scouting or patterning deer movement as well as being able to use as a future reference to compare what the deer seem to do from one year to the next.

Have been keeping all the pics we get that are worth keeping on a dvd pretty well since I got this new computer last summer. I used to just name the files by numbers on that dvd, but have gone back and changed them all to be named by the date ranges the pics were from for each file so that we can see when the pics were from by the date on the file.

Ended up realizing recently with 4 cams out now it might get a bit confusing later on trying to look back so just recently I also went back and created a separate folder for each cam, and am in the process of putting the dated files in the appropriate folders. Just kind of curious I guess how some of you keep up with your pics when running more than one cam and do you keep the pics to look back at for an extended period of time. Anyone else keep up with their pics like this, or have a different method that might be better?

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