Are there any critters...


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that give you ladies the creeps? Like if you see them, you are either off running the other way or just plain creeped out,lol:eek:

I don't like spiders...especially if they appear out of no where....Ticks and leeches are also nasty in my opinion.When I've got a deer to clean, I'm always watching for ticks...they are just plain creepy! I guess I find spiders, ticks, and leeches creepy in both appearance and what they do:rolleyes:

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This might sound really stupid... but I am completely freaked out by sloths! If I'm watching a show on the Animal Planet channel, and a sloth comes on there..... I feel the urge to throw up, I'm covering my eyes, and grabbing for the remote as fast as I can! Their little squished up faces and long arms with claw things on the end........ UGH. NASTY! :(:(

Besides that whole issue, I'm not a fan of spiders AT ALL. I would prefer a snake or something like that, rather than a spider. Especially the huge ones we have like the brown recluse or wolf spiders! AHH! LOL.

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Guest Andrea

Um, not really. I mean, who really wants a spider crawling on them? But I don't freak out.

I am not particularly fond of catalba worms. Only because they have suction cups on their underside and I don't like ANYTHING stickin to me. So I don't touch them. And there's NO WAY I would take one and turn him inside out before putting him on my hook either. That's disgusting. ( That's how they fish with them down here)

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Not really freaked out by bugs much, but beetles that fly at night freak me out, especially if they buzz by me or try to land on me. Most hated beetle is the dobsonfly (most people around here call these flying ho-jacks) while out fishing at night. I will actually freak out and get the fishing net and try to knock them into the water and drown them. Just can't stand a 2 inch or larger beetle that will land on you with pinchers and will use them. I've been pinched by the female ones many times while fishing and it dang hurts and I just can't stand them anywhere near me anymore.

I also dislike hornets and wasps. I will kill them on sight. Most of them are aggressive and can sting multiple times. The only exception is the big hornets that bore in wood they are actually less prone to sting a person and don't chase you. They will investgate you and buzz by, but they aren't hot tempered like the other hornets and wasps, like the yellow jackets for example. I also don't care about the honey bees because they are rather harmless, too, unless you step on them. Plus even if I did and got stung they can't sting me multiple times and die after they sting me, so I let those go, too. They make some tastey honey and help crops.

I also, like most people, dislike the parasites and blood suckers like the ticks, mosquitos, and fleas. I don't know many people who enjoy those bugs though. :rolleyes:

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Spiders here. especially brown recluse spiders. My mom had one go down her sleeve one day when she was helping my dad hold something up high. Anyway, it bit her on the side of her unmentionable place (not sure what i am allowed to call it in the forums) in front of the armpit area and ended up having to have surgery to remove some of the tissue. Worst thing about the spiders is that you don't always feel them crawling on you and you can get bit without knowing. I also can't stand ticks for the same reason.

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Snakes and Ticks!

The ticks are more of a pain in my neck and I am just not use to snakes up north where I live. So when I head down south to turkey hunt, I am still not use to "being careful" when they are out and about. Though I went down to Texas and Oklahoma this spring and was hoping for one so I could make a belt! I have ate them before and they are pretty tasty.

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Guest Andrea

LOL, Moon....I forgot about dobson flies. Those things are SCARY!!!! And beetles like to cling to you with their little prickly legs. Can't stand them!!!!!!

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Most bugs are okay, but I really don't like spiders on me!!! I've had a reaction to one that bit me in GA, don't know what kind it was, but I found the bite mark. I like bats for what they eat, but they creep me out at night when they get to close and veer off at the last second.

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