Lesson on Lazarus


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Today our sermon came from a visiting Pastor....the regional director of Youth Ministries of ND.......he said that as he prepared for his sermon, that God laid this on his heart...that somebody in our congregation needed to hear it........I felt I should relay the message, in case there was somebody out there that also needed to hear it.......

I'll make it short, and will refer you to John chapter 11, dealing with the death of Lazarus......Lazarus's sisters had requested Jesus to rush back, for their brother was sick.....by the time Jesus did arrive, Lazarus had been dead for 4 days and the sisters were mourning him.......Jesus told the sisters on separate occasions, that if they beleived and truely had faith, the Glory of God would be revealed.....the sisters did beleive faithfully.... Jesus asked where Lazarus was buried and the sisters took him to the tomb, and with God's permission, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.........

Now the Pastor used this to illustrate to us, that some of us have something dying or a dead in our lives, and may feel that all hope is lost..........whether it be a loved one, our finances, a marriage...etc...it may even be a painful time in our past that we had put behind us and possibly forgotten, but the pain is still there.....but it is our faith in Jesus Christ that erases all time, that it is Jesus that can heal all wounds, and that if we truely beleive in him and have faith in him, that there is nothing that he can't do to..........

And it is then, once we recognize our hurt and our situation, that we must take Jesus to the "tomb"....the "tomb" where that part of our life is dying or is dead, and ask Jesus to perform a miracle...a resurrection in our lives.....that with faith in Jesus, all things are possible........humble yourselves before God and lay your burdens at his feet.......

I went to the alter this morning, and fell to my knees, weeping like a child......I've had burdens in my life that needed Jesus's attention, but was too strong willed and prideful to ask for help.......I laid those burdens down and asked for God's healing hand to lift us up....my finances, my faith and spiritual leadership in the home, and my marriage......to heal the hurts in my life and those hurts i have caused.......God immediately poured calmness and love over me. But as a show of my Faith to him, I have begun a fast......I actually started it yesterday morning, but I promised to continue it after I heard todays sermon.......

Take care everyone and God bless......Clay

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Glory be to God, for just as he put it on the Pastors heart, so did he put it on mine to share this lesson with all of you.....

Day #2 of my fast is gone and I'm on to day three, and it is not near as bad as I had always thought a fast would be.....I'm sure it will affect me more as the days roll by. I'm in the body cleansing stage right now, with all of the toxins getting flushed out.....had sweats and bad breath, etc all day today.....next is the complete spiritual flush......have no idea how long I will be sticking it out, I'm kinda gonna let the Lord decide that one.......I am determined and motivated......always a good combination when trying to accomplish something of this importance ;)

Can always use extra prayers and support in the meantime. God bless you all......Clay

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