Texas Hill Country Food Plot

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Well I have pretty much made up my mind on which food plot mix from which company I am going to use. We have been getting good rain this year at the property. 3 inches thus far this month and outlook for the rest of the month looks good. I am just curious what other people are using in the Texas Hill country. Let me give you a little background of what I am working with. We just had some land cleared, so there is no grass there right now. One problem though is the soil is riddled with small rocks. Which makes getting a decent plow in to REALLY cultivate it. However we had luck in the past with more primitive means. Are the big names like Tecomate really worth the $$, are there brands that are just as good but alot cheaper.

Like I said I have pretty much set my mind on what I want, but want some opinions. I didnt mention what I had decided on to see if this is recommended. Thanks in advance.

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Are the big names like Tecomate really worth the $$, are there brands that are just as good but alot cheaper.

Of the name brands I have used, tecomate and pennington are the best in my opinion. Biologic in my opinion is not worth wasting time with. If you are wanting something different might consider a mix from hamann farms, his seeds are good quality and would rate them right up there with the best. The clovers in his blends are pretty drought resistant too which I would imagine might be an issue there.

Really it all depends on your goals. If you chose to go with clovers, could be possible to run a drag harrow over your ground even with the rocks to scarify the ground slightly and then put the clover seed out right before or during a rain, or cover it by rolling or running a drag back over it.

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