Gas Protest Today

Ravin R10 man

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Unfortunately, not buying gas today will not affect the oil companies one bit, unless you didn't drive also. Otherwise you just bought gas yesterday or tomorrow and they still get your money. Plus they will probably raise the price of gas tomorrow so you end up paying more.

You are c orrect..BUT... they didnt get it TODAY..LOL

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Guest Andrea

I didn't buy gas. But it won't matter. I'll need to buy it eventually. It's $3.05 here. And summer hasn't even gotten started yet. Should go up around $4.00 so the news people say..........

How much is horse feed?

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For those who did need to fill up today, and didn't, you'll just find a glut at the tanks tomorrow. Big deal...doesn't hurt the oil companies none at all. Who it hurts is the little guy, who owns the garage, and has to pay his employees to stand around all day. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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no i didn't, but it's a mute point. does absolutely no good. it's really pretty simple. we have a limited commodity, in a strong marketplace. if i owned the supply, i'd jack up the price until i made profits that made me puke. china is a competitor, as well as the rest of the world. we'll pay what the market bears, and folks in the business will get rich. simple as that. me not buying gas today only makes the gas owners laugh.

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Wait until the long haulers shut down to protest diesel prices then you'll see the prices drop...:D :D Just think of a one day shutdown of tractor trailers.... It'll be complete panic .. Gurantee'd .. ;)

No there is an idea.

However you folks need to understand


Our consumption of gas is UP by 2% from last year. And like someone said we havent ever hit summer yet when we all travel all over.

So if I was in the oil business I would be jacking the price up too.

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Nope didn't fuel up today,, but did notice that gas went up a hefty 6 cents on the gallon over night .. :eek: :eek:

Wait until the long haulers shut down to protest diesel prices then you'll see the prices drop...:D :D Just think of a one day shutdown of tractor trailers.... It'll be complete panic .. Gurantee'd .. ;)

That might work, cept then your milk and eggs etc go through the roof cause there would be limited supply. Then we are taking it in the pants on those items. Face it folks, you just better get used to them prices, cause they are here to stay...

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i had to fill up this morning to get to work, 3.29 gallon, honestly i dont even look at the prices anymore, i dont shop around town for the cheapest gas prices either, go to my same shell when i need gas, i need to drive so i need gas, maybe some day down the road gas will go down, but until then i dont care anymore cause there aint anything i can do about it

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I didnt stop either, i made sure i filled up a couple days ago at 3.23 and seen today it was 3.50

Then the gas company still won then and the snopes article about this is proven as to how much of a rediculous idea it is that it would even work ... its very simple ... supply and demand ... they have the supply and no matter what we demand it ... end of story


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Then the gas company still won then and the snopes article about this is proven as to how much of a rediculous idea it is that it would even work ... its very simple ... supply and demand ... they have the supply and no matter what we demand it ... end of story


definately right there

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That might work, cept then your milk and eggs etc go through the roof cause there would be limited supply. Then we are taking it in the pants on those items. Face it folks, you just better get used to them prices, cause they are here to stay...

Too late for that one my friend,, I work retail.. ;) Everytime gasoline goe's up so doe's the merchandise you buy in a store... Especially the grocery store ...;) It takes fuel to harvest the crops and fuel to deliver said crops to your grocer... Believe me I've watched milk and eggs rise in price on a monthly basis. ... :( :(

Let's face it BIG BUSINESS has control, and there isn't much we can do about it... The consumer has little control...:(

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That might work, cept then your milk and eggs etc go through the roof cause there would be limited supply. Then we are taking it in the pants on those items. Face it folks, you just better get used to them prices, cause they are here to stay...

All that stuff is going up anyways. Everyone is not charging a travel fee.

And since the start of all these ethanol plants food keeps going up. Look at the price of corn and how much it has gone up. So now the farmer has to pay double to feed his livestock so the price of that hamburger just jumped up too.

I still think the ONLY way gas will every go down is for consumers to consume less gas. And I'm afraid that is not going to happen till something new comes up.

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My car didn't make a trip to the pumps today either. Although I don't see one day of a handful of people not buying gas doing much good, if we can get that handful to turn into 1/4 of the nation soon we might actually act as a unified group and then might get somewhere.

Unfortunatly I don't see that happening but me, and my wallet, can always wish, huh?



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