Best all-around caliber for coyote?

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.223 would be good as he said ^ for two reasons inexpensive and versital. if your looking for a fast flat shooting gun for ranges beetween <200-400yrds than the .204 is the gun for you

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If youre looking to save money buy an H&R (single shot). They are VERY accurate and you can typically pick up a new rifle for around $200. They are chambered in about every cal mfg'd including .223 and .22-250. You can also pick them up in .204, .243, wildcat rounds, etc.

Very much worth the money.

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.204 hands accurate deadly-and you can look that deffinition up in the dicitionary

Start by looking up "deffinition" or maybe "dicitionary". Hands down? Based on what? The fact that there arent near as many factory loadings for the .204? The fact that they do not buck wind as well as a heavier 22 centerfires? The fact that the ultra fast light loadings splash and ruin the pelts, or maybe the fact that the 22-250 or the 220 swift push heavier bullets faster?

Nothing wrong with it, it'll do the trick. But hands down the best? I think not.

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.223 would be good as he said ^ for two reasons inexpensive and versital. if your looking for a fast flat shooting gun for ranges beetween <200-400yrds than the .204 is the gun for you

Guess I am kind of curious what the reasons are you think a .223 would not be effective after 200 yards? Have you looked at ballistics tables? With a 55 grain accu tip out of a .223 at 400 yards you are looking at 21.7 inches of drop and 427 ft lbs of energy, while the .204 with a 32 grain accu tip is producing 355 ft lbs of energy and has 13.1 inches of drop. There is no comparison really in versatility between the .223 and the .204. Sure the .204 is flatter shooting caliber and does indeed hurl a lighter projectile considerably faster, but that does not mean it is more effective or even more accurate for that matter. Actually looking at tables a 22-250 while not quite as fast as the .204, will shoot a bit flatter using a 50 grain accu tip with a drop of around 12 inches at 400 yards, and the 22-250 produces significantly more energy at those ranges.

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22 Centerfires Rule here!

I own a Remington 700 VSSFII in 220 Swift

" " " Savage 114 in 22-250

" " " custom AR-15 with 26" American Spirit Arms Bull Barrel in 223

I can say that not one song dog has ever complained about being shot with any of them. However, I have noticed if its slightly windy on a cold Febuary morning that they have a hard time hearing the report of the 223. Last year I called in two yotes that had come in from opposite directions. When I shot the first one he droped like a rock.....the second one kept on coming in!!. Shot him at 120 yards, right through the neck. Yote hunt'in sure makes Feb go by quick!! I'd have to give the nod slightly to the 223 Rem. Lots of components, cheap ammo, etc. Generally 3200 feet per second is all thats needed for 300 yard shots, although the other two calibers will extend your range 50+ yards on a yote sized target.

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