Prayers for a Close Friend


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We grew up with a girl named Rhonda. She is my sister's best friend. She moved to Texas a while back and was married, had a child, etc. Something wasn't right so she went to get checked out. Its cancer. She is only around 34.

She came back to NE Oklahoma and had to leave her husband in Texas to keep working. So its pretty much her and her baby. She isn't doing well at all. My sister picked up all she could and tries to take care of her. She had to rush her to the hospital yesterday. Rhonda hasn't eaten in 4-days, has lost tons of weight, and combined with the effect of Chemotherapy, she just isn't doing well. She has a very small (1-year old) baby to look after. Being a mom is hard enough but being a Mom while battling cancer is next to Impossible.

I feel for her. She has always been one of the sweetest, most beautiful girls I know. She could really use some prayer folks. Its been a horrible battle and she still has miles to go.

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Actually Im not sure. She has never told me. Her self image is rock bottom right now. She is roughly 5'-9" and a beautiful woman. This has reduced her to wearing do rags and ball caps. She is also pale and sickly looking. When she is around she tries to keep the conversations about her cancer to a minimum. That in itself probably isn't healthy but as sick as she is if she wants to avoid conversation about cancer we can talk about the sun shine.

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