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So went back to the state land down near where the bird gobbles yesterday morning. Maybe around fly down time I heard a "hen" a bit of a ways away calling....thought maybe a hunter but I'm not sure because it sounded fairly real and was moving around and stopped. When Icouldn't sit any longer, I got up. Walked towards where I heard them yesterday and found a ton of fresh scratchings from yesterday! Lots of fresh and old scratchings. I set-up in a new spot and called but there was someone else up on the hill above me calling...sounded like a box call and it only called like every ten minutes. It seems like a decent spot and with all the scratchings (I found a wing feather to), that gobbler should be around. Should I keep hunting this area in hopes of a bird coming in? Even though tomorrow is Saturday, I'll still give it a go. Hopefully not too many other hunters. It was 30 degrees this morning compared to 40 yesterday morning so I'd guess that shut the birds up.

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How far up the hill was the other guy - you'll be competeing for the same birds. If the distances is acceptable I'd sure head back out there... especially with fresh and old sign being in the same spot. It sounds like you'd have the better set-up.

The other guy was closer to the top of the hill near the pipe line it sounded like...at least 150+ yards away....No one down in the bottom which is where most of the old and new sign seems to be.

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