Foods you look at now and say...YUCK!!! LOL...


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Ok folks what is the one food that you use to eat all the time back when you were growing up and today you can't stand the taste of it...

For me it has to be pickles...

Back when I was a youngin' there wasn't a pickle safe around me.

I can remember back when my Grandma had a little country store. There use to be a wooden barrel that was full of dill pickles. Man those things were good to. I use to eat a hand full of those things. I guess I got burned out on them because now for what reason I can't stand to look at them or even the taste of them...YUCK!!!

So what kind of food will make you say Yuck...

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Parsnips - They don't like me, and I don't like them. The last time I had some, I ended up in the emergency ward, from some sort of gastric craps.

Mint - I like mint candies after a meal or something, but I can't stand mint cause or any mint with or on food. Even with Lamb, I'd much rather enjoy the unique flavour of lamb, than smother the flavour with mint...YUK

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Tuna-noodle casserole. I think it may be a case of having eaten too much of it. I don't allow that stuff in the house. My wife always threatens to make that for supper when she's irritated with me.


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I use to hate tomatoes, then I started liking them for a year or so, and now I can't eat them without gaggin, literally. I almost start to gag at just the smell of them nowadays. I don't really have many other things that I use to like but I don't any more. There are a lot of things that I use to hate, but now like though.

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This may sound like a crime, but I cannot stand most chocolate anymore. Only a few specific kinds can I enjoy eating and only once in awhile when in the right kind of mood. I used to love all kinds of chocolate as a kid though, just not anymore. :p

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The one from my childhood is Roast. It seemed like we had a roast every Sunday, and I would just as soon not eat than eat roast now.

Just generally speaking, if it is green, and not money, I don't want it. No veggies for me, with the exception of corn, rice & taters if you want to call them vegetables.

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I can't get near pancakes anymore.

When I was 17, my sister made pancakes for breakfast. It seems like no- one was hungry that morning except for me. And, not wanting any to go to waste, I ate 26 of them! The last 4 were pansized, just to get rid of the leftover batter!!

To this day, I almost puke when I get near a pancake.


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