When should I mow"

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If the clover does not have to flower for reseeding, mow it now. By mowing it now you will control the grasses and weeds plus generate new tender growth in the clover. This will also keep your protien levels up by keeping the plant growing. Mow it down to about 6 inches and watch the clover explode with growth.


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I would mow it now.

Had been letting our entire field get to hay cutting heights and cutting the plots with the rest of the field, unfortunately that allowed more weeds to develop in the plots. Think we will be mowing our clovers a little more frequently in the future.

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I don't know--if the guy wants some free seeds and weeds are not a problem I don't see anything wrong with letting the clover produce some seed and once the flowers start to die then mow it. Now if weeds are starting to be a problem then I'd mow it right away. Another option would be to mow half of it to regenerate some new tender growth for the deer and then let the other 1/2 produce seed. Then later in the summer when it starts to flower again switch which side you mow--just a thought.


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