New barrells for NEF and H&R shotguns...

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Anyone recently buy another barrel for their NEF or H&R? Did you have any problems? My very first gun was an H&R Pardner 12g with the 30-30 barrel. I'd like to pick up a .223 or some similar calibur barrel for it and judging from what I read on the website they no longer directly sell barrels. Unless I misunderstood they will fit a barrel to your gun which I can only assume would require sending it in. I'm just exploring options...

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you will have to send the reciver and forarm in to get a new barrel fitted.i started all 3 of my boys out with the NEF sb1. i have upgraded all 3 guns to 12-20 ga barrels.i still have my old H&R 20 ga. and was told they would not fit barrels to the H&R frame for liabilty reasons. thats just what i was told on the phone with NEF.

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Hoss is very close. They will fit barrels to H&R 1871 but not Harrington and Richardson guns. Yes they are different. The NEF and H&R 1871 guns are ok to get new barrels. Call H&R and give them the serial number. They will be able to tell you if you can get barrels.

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