Smashed & Crashed,pics


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Mrs.Sasksheds & I were on our way back from the lake last Sunday when a drunk driver slammed into us head on.We were coming across a narrow bridge & just about to exit when he came speading onto the bridge,lost control,hit the rail on his side & bounced head on into us.He was driving a little Nissan sports car & we were in our Chev. Silverado.Both vehicles are totalled.We are alright,just bruised & soar all over.Heres some pics.Notice the engine pushed up & back into the firewall.Also our air bags didnt go off.Im looking into why not.




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Airbags should definitely have deployed in that crash!

When Mr. Good times gets out of jail, he would be working for me for the rest of eternity.

Lost too many friends to drunk drivers (current count is 3) and I hate them with a vengeance.

Is he currently in jail? Alive? Hurt really badly (I sure hope so).

I would make sure that the drunk's insurance company paid to replace the vehicle as is and not the depreciated value that won't replace the truck.

I'd contact a good attorney.


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Wow, glad you & the Mrs. weren't hurt. Interesting that the bags didn't deploy. When I hit that deer last year in my '01 chevy, most of the damage was over the bumper and my bags didn't come out either. The pic from the outside doesn't look all that bad, but then when you look at what it did under the hood, that must have been a pretty good lick.

Good luck and I hope the insurance companies take care of you.

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Thats crazy. He would be living out of a cardboard box after I was done with him cuz I'd sue him for everything he has if he was even alive after I was done beating him into the pavement. My life is too important and my vehicles are too expensive to be taken away by an idiot. Luckily I got a good attorney in the family for situations like this. Thats weird your air bags didnt go off though. My buddy and I hit a herd of deer in my dads 2000 Silverado when we were 16 and the drivers side air bag went off. The passenger side didnt but thats because it was turned off. Glad to hear your both ok!!

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WHY WHY WHY DO people drive drunk!! So frustrating.

Im so glad to hear you guys are ok. Thank you Lord!!

Yup get the drunks ins co to get you a nice new truck!!

That's the important thing alright. Thank God you're both OK.

There's certainly no good reason why the airbags didn't deploy in that one...geesh

Did the drunk even have a license ? or had he already lost it to a previous accident, or violation?

I hope for the sake of the living, that he gets what's coming to him too.

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Glad to hear you and your wife were not seriously hurt.

The airbags did not go off when the wife had her accident a couple years ago either. When I questioned the chevy dealer on that, they said it was not a hard enough impact, she was going about 30 when the kid turned in front of her :confused:. I thought they should have gone off.

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you came out fine. good news. the truck can be replaced. but, go to a doctor. injuries may take months to surface, so don't tell everyone you are o.k. just thank got you're not hurting now. as for the airbags, the insurance company and you may want to have a discussion with gm . as for the drunk driver, he needs some jail time for attempted murder. i know canada is tough on drunk driving, which is great. they deserve only the worst.

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Glad to hear you are alright and so is your wife, those air bags should have went off. Not sure what they expect them to go off at but that seems pretty severe and they should have.

That drunk driver should be sent to prison, he could have killed you and your wife. The judge better not go lightly on his sentence, do the crime, pay the time!!!!

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Any updates SASK?

Is the scumbag in jail?

I am generally a non-violent person...avoiding fighting at all costs....but the police would have arrived to find me pounding on this guy.

I told my wife point blank that if anyone in our family is ever hurt/killed by a drunk driver, I will do my best to take that SOB out before the police get there and live with the consequences. I couldn't just stand there knowing that the drunk killed my family member and wait for the police and the justice system to let them back out onto the streets the next day.

I agree on the injuries part. I got rearended five days before my wedding and my car was totalled by a guy who got out and flippantly said "ahhh man my wife is going to kill me, this is her car and the fourth accident I had this year". I thought I was fine but couldn't lift my head up off the pillow the next morning. I went to a chiro for about 4 months as a result.


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