Summer Plans??


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Hey ladies what are your plans for the summer as it fast approaches? June 11 I start with staff training for camp, so I won't get on as much after then, though I'll be home like 1 day a weekend since we get like a day off on weekends, and during the summer we get other days off also. I'm also hoping to get this darn application into nursing school and hopefully I'll get accpeted and start that around August 21.

What about you?:cool:

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i am paying some attention to this house...also fishing, bringing the boat to the lake monday with a few friends....thought it was last monday so i'm having withdrawls already, lol....i also neglect the dogs during hunting season, so this is their time too.....i'll load em up once a week or whenever i can and take them to the woods for some mommy/doggy time.....thats about, fish, dogs....oh yeah, and work, lol.......

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No vacation plans, but I'll take off every thursday (gatta burn up that comptime!!). those mornings will be spent at the range with the bow and guns. Work on the house and yard. Hopefully sand the hardwood floors. Sit on the back porch and enjoy the peace and quiet.

Oh yeah, fix up the old house and sell it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest slyvixen

Well, I wish you all the best this summer.

Working on my taxidermy projects, getting ready for trapping season, shooting and just trying to relax on my nights off of work are my plans.

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