Rosie's comment?


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Rosie continues to stick her feet in her mouth John. Saw bits and pieces of her spat with Liz Hasselbeck(sp) on fox news the other day, but did not hear mention of the quote you have there. From the sounds of it sure looks like that is what she is implying though. Think she is proving to anyone with any sense just how ignorant she really is.

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Seems more of this with Rosie is coming to light. Her off air rant on her ideas of a conspiracy theory were also caught on camera, she claims a bomb went off before the plane ever hit. Her and Michael Moore make a perfect pair.

Of course she also is claiming that it was a conspiracy with ABC going to the split screens to make her look bad :rolleyes:. Seems to me she does quite well at that on her own.

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Someone should inform her the "real terrorists" have been sacrificing their lives since the birth of this nation, so her fat pig mouth has the freedom to spew her verbal filth.

Then I'd like to send her over to the Mid-East and let her see, first-hand, how those guys react to an outspoken woman like herself. She'd be begging to come back to the freedoms our soliders have provided for her.

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Is everyone else seeing a Bean Poll at the top of this thread, instead of the Rosie Poll, or is it just me ..LOL

View Poll Results: Making Chili.. With Beans or Without This poll will close on 06-05-2007 at 07:01 AMWith Beans bar2-l.gifbar2.gifbar2-r.gif1688.89%Without Beans bar3-l.gifbar3.gifbar3-r.gif211.11%Voters: 18. You have already voted on this poll

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Is everyone else seeing a Bean Poll at the top of this thread, instead of the Rosie Poll, or is it just me ..LOL

View Poll Results: Making Chili.. With Beans or Without This poll will close on 06-05-2007 at 07:01 AMWith Beans bar2-l.gifbar2.gifbar2-r.gif1688.89%Without Beans bar3-l.gifbar3.gifbar3-r.gif211.11%Voters: 18. You have already voted on this poll

LMBO :D :D. Yep, noticed that too Steve.

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