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Hey there everyone. I am planning on trying to hunt some coyotes around my home in NW PA. I have never really hunted them before but I have seen them while deer and turkey hunting. The reason I am hunting them is because they are really messin with the turkeys and deer. The turkeys in my area dont even gobble anymore becaue as soon as they do a yote will be right on top of them. What is the best way to hunt them during the summer? Are dogs neccessary to kill a good number of them?. Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks


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  • 2 weeks later...

Randy Anderson videos... I'll have to check them out.

Chris... what are you planning on hunting with? I have a few guns in my collection to choose from but haven't settled. .22 LR, .30-30 (seem like overkill), 12g, 20g, .410, etc... Our season doesn't open back up until July 15th here in MI.

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Randy Anderson videos are full of great information.

Would think right now, using a fawn distress call would work well. Also if there are farms around with livestock, might watch for yotes looking for afterbirths or even for weak calves if their cows are calving now. We seem to see more yotes during daylight hours this time of the year, primarily in the mornings.

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Randy Anderson videos... I'll have to check them out.

Chris... what are you planning on hunting with? I have a few guns in my collection to choose from but haven't settled. .22 LR, .30-30 (seem like overkill), 12g, 20g, .410, etc... Our season doesn't open back up until July 15th here in MI.

i use my .22-250

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