Sign of a strutter?


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Went out this morning...didn't hear or see anything. I was down in the spot where I got the jake. Well I circled around the property and came through the gravel pit on the way back to the spot. I found fairly large, fresh tracks (at least from last night if not earlier this AM) and the way they were situated, it looked like the turkey did a couple circle or was erratic - I'm basically saying I think it was a gobbler strutting as when I saw the big one, he'd puff up and then move around in one spot then take a few steps and do it again. There were also a few thin lines in the sand..I'm guessing wing tips. It was hard to tell which way he went but I think he went up the hills side and in the woods or field there (where he roosted beginning of the season). I know he didn't come over to that corn field since I was there most of the morning.

So from what I've described, do you also think it's the gobbler that was strutting there? I don't know if I'll get up there tonight to roost, but would it be a good idea to sit there in the morning? I have to work at 7 so I won't be able to hunt long. Boy I'm hoping it's him!

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I going up tonight...see if I hear anything roost at least...will only have last day to hunt...Thursday...and will have a good friend with me who's dad hunts but she's never been out there so it'll be fun to take her on the hunt...she loves the outdoors. It'd be awesome to have a bird come in...even if it was just a hen.

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