What is up with this?


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Re: What is up with this?


I think I will stick with having that sneaky buck that shows up out of nowhere and makes my heart drop. That has always been part of the hunt having to rely on my senses to catch the movement and get ready

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Couldnt agree with you more on that one!! I dont like this idea either. I've got a feeling it probably isnt going to be legal in many places. Whats next heat sensored bushnells?

I havent seen what you are talking about yet, but I'm wondering how this monitor knows that it is a deer coming through the woods. Could it confuse a deer with something else....say another hunter? If thats the case this could be a dangerous thing. You know someone is going to start shooting based on what they see on the monitor, even if they cant really see it with their own eyes. frown.gif

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Re: What is up with this?

Ok so lets see here.

I can get a gadget that tells me where the deer is, now all I need is a gun that shoots them without ever missing, someone to go into the woods for me and someone to drag it out and take it down to the taxidermists and I'm all set!

Lord, what will they think of next!

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Re: What is up with this?

Thanks for the link jimt... it would be illegal in PA to use that system. You're not allowed to use any device that alerts you to the presence of deer while hunting, including frs radios (walkie talkies). Besides that, I feel the same as everyone else, what would be the fun, or morality of using them? -Matt

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