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The ACLU has been taking a beating here lately (deservedly so IMO) so I thought I would post this bit of information.

Did you know that the bulk of the funding for ACLU lawsuits comes from you, the taxpayer?

It's true - the ACLU receives reimbursement from the federal government . Here's how it works:

42 U.S.C., Section 1988, of the United States Code now allows judges to award attorney fees to plaintiffs in civil-rights cases brought against local governments, thereby putting the taxpayers on the hook and oftentimes funneling public money to the ACLU.

If you object to this or just think the ACLU is a useless or harmful organization, you should petition your US Representative and Senators to revoke or change 42 U.S.C., Section 1988, of the United States Code.

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There have been a lot of movements to try and get this thing overturned and none have been successful as none ever will.

The ACLU along with other organizations like the Rainbow Coalition (Jackson's fund maker) will never bee taken off the government **** because we have lawmakers that don't have the kahoonees to stand up for what is right......and we probably never will.

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The ACLU is no less a hate group than the KKK and UN. If the KKK doesn't get federal and taxpayer funding neither should the ACLU. But, since the same people who think the ACLU is necessary are the same people who decide what happens to our money, I guess we're screwed until somebody in Washington grows some balls and stands up to these worthless wastes of taxpayer dollars.

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The ACLU is no less a hate group than the KKK and UN. If the KKK doesn't get federal and taxpayer funding neither should the ACLU. But, since the same people who think the ACLU is necessary are the same people who decide what happens to our money, I guess we're screwed until somebody in Washington grows some balls and stands up to these worthless wastes of taxpayer dollars.

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Could not have said it any better. Really is sad to see how our country can support such a group or organization. Think the problem is that the majority of the people in our country just dont realize how evil an organization the aclu really is.

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