i want to bow hunt again

Guest outdoorgirl

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Guest outdoorgirl

it's been a long time since i picked up a bow...in 1976 at the age of 14 i took my bow test...my dad bought me a fred bear whitetail hunter compound bow......i never had a teacher figure helping with my archery ....i lost interest...now having joined the forum....reading everybody's hunting stories....it's peaked my interest again to start to bow hunt again....here is my problem....i shoot left handed but i used a right handed bow because the arrow wouldn't stay on the rest if i shot a left handed bow. i was just wondering with todays bows and equipment if it was possible to shoot a left handed bow with a arrow holder so the arrow don't fall off the rest.? like i said it's been years since i picked up a bow...can someone answer my question ?

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Re: i want to bow hunt again

You will like bowhunting alot. Times have really changed since 1976, { I think...I was five then}. there are several great bows on the market for you to choose from. If your worried about the arrow falling off from the rest, use the Whisker Biscuit. There is no was it can fall off. Have fun with archery!!


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Re: i want to bow hunt again

Outdoor girl, congrats on the interest to pick the bow up again... Jim has the answer to your arrow rest question... the wisker biscuit will fix that issue, but before you commit to shooting left handed, it is important to identify your "dominant" eye... If you are left eye dominant, than you indeed should shoot left handed, but otherwise, consider sticking with the right. Best of luck.

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Re: i want to bow hunt again

I agree with both Bill and Jim.

To test your eyes to see which one is dominant, strentch your arm out in front of you with your thumb up. Now, with both eyes open, put your thumb over something that is off in the distance (point at it, with thumb).....Now close your left eye ...open...now close your right eye.

You will notice that with one of your eyes open the object you have pointed at will still have your thumb on it, but the with the other eye open only, your thumb jumps over to one side or the other.

The one that remains on the object is your dominant eye. wink.gif

I love my Whisker Biscuit

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